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The Automation Challenge: Kubernetes Operators vs Helm Charts

Ana-Maria Mihalceanu | GOTOpia February 2021

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Working with Kubernetes for some time or you just started your journey? If you love automation and dislike having to perform repetitive tasks manually, you have come across concepts of Helm charts and Kubernetes operators. Although they solve similar types of problems, they are not exactly interchangeable tools, but rather complementary. During this session, Ana-Maria will highlight which to use and when by sharing several code based examples and lessons learned. **In this talk, you'll learn:** * Kubernetes operators and Helm Charts: which to use when * How Kubernetes are complementary not interchangeable tools

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Working with Kubernetes for some time or you just started your journey?

If you love automation and dislike having to perform repetitive tasks manually, you have come across concepts of Helm charts and Kubernetes operators. Although they solve similar types of problems, they are not exactly interchangeable tools, but rather complementary.

During this session, Ana-Maria will highlight which to use and when by sharing several code based examples and lessons learned.

In this talk, you'll learn:

  • Kubernetes operators and Helm Charts: which to use when
  • How Kubernetes are complementary not interchangeable tools

About the speakers

Ana-Maria Mihalceanu

Ana-Maria Mihalceanu

Developer Advocate at Red Hat

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