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Software Engineering - Development in 100 Years Time

Dave Farley | GOTOpia November 2020

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Join this session on continuous delivery with our all-time favorite returning speaker Dave Farley. **If we were to more clearly define our discipline what would that look like? If “Software Engineering” is real “Engineering” then wouldn't we expect the principles to be long-lasting, durable and probably unsurprising?** Dave Farley will answer difficult questions like, what sort of ideas will be as true of “Software Engineering” in 100 years as they are today? What are the foundations on which we could begin to build a true Engineering discipline for our profession? This talk with Dave explores some of those ideas and describes why Continuous Delivery may be the best starting point that we have for that. **In this talk, you'll learn:** * About software engineering now and in 100 years * How Continuous Delivery could be the starting point of true Engineering discipline **Attendees:** <a href="https://goto-m6l1171.slack.com/archives/C01CR8TF9AA" target="_blank">Send your questions to Dave through the #general channel</a>

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Join this session on continuous delivery with our all-time favorite returning speaker Dave Farley.

If we were to more clearly define our discipline what would that look like? If “Software Engineering” is real “Engineering” then wouldn't we expect the principles to be long-lasting, durable and probably unsurprising?

Dave Farley will answer difficult questions like, what sort of ideas will be as true of “Software Engineering” in 100 years as they are today? What are the foundations on which we could begin to build a true Engineering discipline for our profession?

This talk with Dave explores some of those ideas and describes why Continuous Delivery may be the best starting point that we have for that.

In this talk, you'll learn:

  • About software engineering now and in 100 years
  • How Continuous Delivery could be the starting point of true Engineering discipline

Attendees: Send your questions to Dave through the #general channel

About the speakers

Dave Farley

Dave Farley

Author of the best-selling books “Continuous Delivery” and “Modern Software Engineering” and over 6 million views on his YouTube channel.

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