Did We(b Development) Lose the Right Direction?
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Keeping up with the state of web technology is one of the biggest challenges for us developers today. We invent new tools; we define new best practices, everything’s new, always... And we do all that for a good user experience! We do all that to build the best possible web – it’s all about our users. But is it, really? Or do developers like to play with technology secretly loving the new and shiny? Or do we only pretend that it’s about users, and behind closed doors, it’s developer experience that matters to us? Did we lose direction? Is it time for a critical look at the state of the web and the role JavaScript plays in it? **Attendees:** <a href="https://goto-m6l1171.slack.com/archives/C01DWRWV2R1" target="_blank">Join the #programming channel on Slack to send your questions to Stefan</a>
Keeping up with the state of web technology is one of the biggest challenges for us developers today. We invent new tools; we define new best practices, everything’s new, always... And we do all that for a good user experience! We do all that to build the best possible web – it’s all about our users.
But is it, really? Or do developers like to play with technology secretly loving the new and shiny? Or do we only pretend that it’s about users, and behind closed doors, it’s developer experience that matters to us? Did we lose direction? Is it time for a critical look at the state of the web and the role JavaScript plays in it?
Attendees: Join the #programming channel on Slack to send your questions to Stefan