Home GOTO Experts Katherine Kirk

Katherine Kirk

Independent Consultant - Transformation in Tech

Katherine Kirk

Katherine Kirk is a highly experienced independent transformation Consultant, international conference speaker and co-founder of the not-for-profit Inclusive Collaboration movement in tech (www.inclusive-collaboration.org).

Katherine’s primary area of expertise lies in co-discovery and insight facilitation through exploring and combining eastern and tribal philosophy to find practical answers to tough, on-the-ground issues, specifically involving contextually driven edge-cases and the cultural interaction between hierarchical management and Agile/Lean teams.

After gaining a first class BSc (Hons) in computing she completed post graduate studies in software engineering at University of Oxford and currently enjoys being an active participant of a community of Lean and Agile practitioners in Europe who explore and challenge the status quo through experimenting and collaborating.

Content featuring Katherine Kirk

Politics & Hierarchy: How We Create It & How to Stop
Politics & Hierarchy: How We Create It & How to Stop
GOTO Chicago 2018
SWARMing: Scaling Without A Religious Methodology
SWARMing: Scaling Without A Religious Methodology
GOTO Chicago 2018
Effective Leadership in Challenging Collaborative Environments
Effective Leadership in Challenging Collaborative Environments
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