Home GOTO Experts Tibi Covaci

Tibi Covaci

Microsoft Regional Director, Azure Architect and mastermind in Microsoft technologies and Angular

Tibi Covaci

For over 20 years Tibi dedicated his life to improve the quality of the software written by other people, by helping them to understand the technological choices they are presented with. His efforts include training, mentoring, advising and motivating of the IT professional teams. Since 2019 he is the CTO of Cloudeon where he help the partners and customers to choose the right technological solution for the right problem. Since 2008 Tibi travels the world to speak at industry conferences and user groups about advanced topics in developing modern applications and improving the performance of existing applications by using modern technologies.

Content featuring Tibi Covaci

Five Cloud Services Every Developer Should Know
Five Cloud Services Every Developer Should Know
GOTO Oslo 2020
Why Cloud Native is the New Standard
Why Cloud Native is the New Standard
GOTO Unscripted
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