Home GOTO Experts Greg Young

Greg Young

Event-sourcing expert who first coined the term CQRS

Greg Young

Greg Young

Greg Young coined the term "CQRS" (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and it was instantly picked up by the community who have elaborated upon it ever since.

Greg is an independent consultant and serial entrepreneur. He has 10+ years of varied experience in computer science from embedded operating systems to business systems and he brings a pragmatic and often times unusual viewpoint to discussions.

He's a frequent contributor to InfoQ, speaker/trainer at Skills Matter and also a well-known speaker at international conferences. Greg also writes about CQRS, DDD and other hot topics on codebetter.com.

Content featuring Greg Young

Event Sourcing: The basics of an Event Sourced system and implementation (3 hours)
Event Sourcing: The basics of an Event Sourced system and implementation (3 hours)
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