Home GOTO Experts Adam Herzog

Adam Herzog

Director of Developer Relations at GOTO

Adam Herzog

Adam is the Director of Developer Relations at GOTO, where he rotates betweens program curation, community marketing initiatives and business development duties.

Previously, Adam worked as a Community Marketing Manager for Docker 🐳   where he built the Docker Captains program and ran all things related to community content. He also managed marketing programs and field marketing at Neo4j and helped other organizations with their developer relations and community marketing campaigns as an independent consultant.

Adam is part of the 🌈   Out in Tech 🌈   Leadership Team and advocates for inclusivity within the entire tech industry (and the world!). He probably uses the word "awesome" too many times and yearns for the day when his favorite soccer club Arsenal are back at the top of the table. Adam is passionate about good food, yoga and succulents in no particular order.

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