Home GOTO Experts Sebastien Goasgu...

Sebastien Goasguen

Leading Kubernetes efforts as Sr. Director, Cloud Technologies at Bitnami

Sebastien Goasguen

Sebastien leads the Kubernetes efforts at Bitnami, which includes:

  • kubeapps, a package agnostic application console
  • kubeless, a Kubernetes-native serverless solution.

Sebastien has over 20 years of open source experience. He worked on virtualization and grid computing before deploying clouds with cloudstack, openstack and opennebula. In 2015, he launched Skippbox, a Kubernetes startup acquired by Bitnami to boost their container and k8s efforts. He is a prolific blogger and writer and has authored the O'Reilly Docker and Kubernetes cookbooks.

Content featuring Sebastien Goasguen

Packaging Applications in a Serverless World!
Packaging Applications in a Serverless World!
GOTO Amsterdam 2018
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