Home GOTO Experts Bret Fisher

Bret Fisher

Docker Captain, DevOps Trainer and Consultant

Bret Fisher

For 25 years Bret has built and operated distributed systems as a Sysadmin, and helped over 30,000 people learn dev and ops topics. He is a Docker Captain, the author of the wildly popular Docker Mastery series on Udemy, and also provides DevOps style consulting and live workshops with a focus on immutable infrastructures, containers, and orchestration. Bret's an occasional shell and web, and JavaScript developer. He spends his free time in Virginia's local, thriving tech scene helping lead local Code for America and Docker Meetups. Bret basically spend his days helping people, and giving high fives. He lives at the beach, writes at bretfisher.com, prefers dogs over cats, and tweets at @bretfisher

Content featuring Bret Fisher

Going Docker and Swarm Production Like a Pro
Going Docker and Swarm Production Like a Pro
GOTO Chicago 2018
Going Docker, Swarm and Kubernetes Production Like a Pro
Going Docker, Swarm and Kubernetes Production Like a Pro
GOTO Berlin 2019
Build Container Orchestration with Docker Swarm
Build Container Orchestration with Docker Swarm
Kubernetes or Swarm? Build Both, Deploy Apps, Learn The Differences
Kubernetes or Swarm? Build Both, Deploy Apps, Learn The Differences
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