Yan Chernikov
Director at Studio Cherno
Yan Chernikov, better known as The Cherno, is an Australian Youtuber and former software engineer at Electronic Arts. His content mainly revolves around C++, video game development, video game engines (including Hazel Engine), and software engineering.
Upcoming conference sessions featuring Yan Chernikov
The Beauty of Simplicity - Making Your Own Technology
In an age where technology is getting more and more complex, there is often a pressure to use massive third-party solutions/platforms instead of creating your own. But what if you did create your own? What would that look like, and would it even be possible?
After working on game engines at Electronic Arts for almost five years, I decided to take a step back and build my own. The unique opportunity of starting such a massive piece of software from scratch, with extremely limited engineering resources, has created a journey where simplicity is vital for survival.
Let’s talk about lessons learned along this journey, building your own technology, the benefits of reducing software complexity, and the beauty of simplicity!
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The Beauty of Simplicity - Making Your Own Technology
In an age where technology is getting more and more complex, there is often a pressure to use massive third-party solutions/platforms instead of creating your own. But what if you did create your own? What would that look like, and would it even be possible?
After working on game engines at Electronic Arts for almost five years, I decided to take a step back and build my own. The unique opportunity of starting such a massive piece of software from scratch, with extremely limited engineering resources, has created a journey where simplicity is vital for survival.
Let’s talk about lessons learned along this journey, building your own technology, the benefits of reducing software complexity, and the beauty of simplicity!
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The Beauty of Simplicity - Making Your Own Technology
In an age where technology is getting more and more complex, there is often a pressure to use massive third-party solutions/platforms instead of creating your own. But what if you did create your own? What would that look like, and would it even be possible?
After working on game engines at Electronic Arts for almost five years, I decided to take a step back and build my own. The unique opportunity of starting such a massive piece of software from scratch, with extremely limited engineering resources, has created a journey where simplicity is vital for survival.
Let’s talk about lessons learned along this journey, building your own technology, the benefits of reducing software complexity, and the beauty of simplicity!
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