Home GOTO Experts Jake Ginnivan

Jake Ginnivan

Jake is a Principal Consultant at Arkahna, international speaker, builder and mentor. He is known for his expertise in architecture, modern web frameworks, cloud-native applications and he loves leading teams, solving complex problems, and demystifying technical subjects. Notable achievements include leading the development of a the latest digital news platform in Australia and created, contributed or maintained many popular open-source projects like GitVersion, Shouldly, DbUp, Emotion CSS-in-JS and more. When not working, Jake enjoys playing ice hockey, exploring great craft beers and whiskies, and cherishing time with his little girl.

Content featuring Jake Ginnivan

Building Modern Web Applications with Remix
Building Modern Web Applications with Remix
YOW! Sydney 2023
Building Modern Web Applications with Remix
Building Modern Web Applications with Remix
YOW! Brisbane 2023
Building Modern Web Applications with Remix
Building Modern Web Applications with Remix
YOW! Melbourne 2023
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