Ryan Carniato
Ryan Carniato is CEO of Signals, JavaScript performance enthusiast and fine-grained reactivity superfan. He is the creator of the JavaScript framework SolidJS, and Principal Engineer on Netlify's OSS team, where he works with multiple open source projects to develop a better web.
Ryan has been working on the web for 25 years, and created SolidJS as a side project in 2016 in attempt to bring back fine-grained reactivity into modern frontends. His work and writing led him to his previous position, working on the web platform team at eBay as a maintainer of Marko, their JavaScript framework, that powers their website.
Today he has published over 100 articles and is an avid streamer covering a variety of web-focused topics around JavaScript, performance, reactivity, rendering, and compilation.
Content featuring Ryan Carniato

SolidJS - The World Beyond Components
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