Home GOTO Experts Jo-fai Chow

Jo-fai Chow

Jo-fai Chow

Jo-fai (or Joe) has multiple roles (data scientist / evangelist / community manager) at H2O.ai. Since joining the company in 2016, Joe has delivered H2O talks/workshops in 40+ cities around the US, Europe, and Asia. Nowadays, he is best known as the H2O #360Selfie guy. He is also the co-organiser of H2O's worldwide meetup groups including London Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning - one of the biggest data science communities in the world with more than 12,000 members (https://www.meetup.com/London-Artificial-Intelligence-Deep-Learning/).

Content featuring Jo-fai Chow

No-Code Deep Learning with H2O AI Cloud
No-Code Deep Learning with H2O AI Cloud
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