How to Explain Machine Learning Models?
Join us for the GOTO Night "How to Explain Machine Learning Models?" with Willem Meints and Joop Snijder. This GOTO Night is focused on showing you how to explain machine learning models in practice and why Explainable AI is important from a business perspective and why you need to know this as a developer or data Scientist.
Date: May 18
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm CET
Location: Vlaardingenlaan 15
6:00pm - Welcome & food
6:30pm - Short intro
6:45pm - Talk: How to Explain Machine Learning Models?
7:45pm - Ending with beers and more food
A machine learning model is only complete if you can explain the outcome. But how do you do that? And to whom do you explain? In this session, you will learn why Explainable AI is important and how, as a developer or data scientist, you can explain machine learning models in practice.
In the first part of the session, you will learn why Explainable AI is important from a business perspective and why you need to know this as a developer or data scientist. We’ll show you a real-life case of how a client used Explainable AI in their business.
In the second part of this session, you’ll learn how, as a developer or data scientist, you can explain machine learning models in practice. We’ll dive in-depth into tooling, which can be used to explain machine learning models.
About the speakers
Willem is a senior AI architect for Info Support. He loves to experiment with deep learning models and possibly blow them up in his free time. He's won the Microsoft MVP award for his community contributions in AI/ML.
Joop is chief technical officer at Aigency and has a deep passion for Artificial Intelligence. Now working for over a decade in this field, he’s helping clients to get the most value out of their AI initiatives.
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