Turning Your Web API Up to ‘11’

Online GOTO Night
Mike Amundsen
Mike Amundsen

The ultimate API expert. #api

Join us for the online meetup “Turning Your Web API Up to ‘11’” with Mike Amundsen. This GOTO night is focused on eleven things you should check into your API repo before you launch in production.

About the event

This presentation will showcase a crucial 11-point checklist to help you create better APIs, teach others to build high-quality web services, and track and trace multiple API teams working in your organization.

During this GOTO night, Mike will take you through the entire checklist, starting from the initial design, all the way through to the deployment of mission-critical APIs for your organizations. More specifically, this meetup covers:

  • API Story
  • API Vocabulary
  • API Diagram (WSD)
  • API Description Profile (ALPS)
  • API Sketches (API Blueprint)
  • API Prototype (Open API)
  • API Documentation (ReDocly)
  • API Source Code (DARRT)
  • API Tests (SRT & Postman)
  • API Security Profile
  • API Deployment Script.


17:00 | Welcome to this GOTO Night with James Lewis
17:05 | James Lewis will present his subject of the day
17:35 | Live Q&A with James Lewis
17:55 | Thank you for joining us for this GOTO Night

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