Spring Boot Masterclass Taster
Join us in this free fast-paced 2-hour Spring masterclass taster, with Trifork Amsterdam CTO Joris Kuipers. During this session, you'll be given a practical introduction to Spring Boot. The taster consists of both presentations and demos as well as hands-on exercises and covers the following topics:
- Overview to explain what Spring Boot is and the functionality it provides
- Creating a new project using the Spring Initializr
- Building and running your project from your IDE or the command line
- Spring Boot autoconfiguration
- Spring Boot starter dependencies
- Ways to provide configuration to your spring boot application, including the use of @ConfigurationProperties and relaxed binding
** All topics and much more are covered in-depth in the 4-day Core Spring masterclass **
For this taster, the prerequisite is that you have some basic Spring experience already, especially in using it for dependency-injection using component scanning and @Configuration classes.
Note that for the full Core Spring masterclass in-depth is NOT the requirement as the course starts from scratch and only requires experience with Java as an enterprise programming language!
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