Observing and Understanding Your Spring Applications at Runtime

Online GOTO Night
Joris Kuipers
Joris Kuipers

Chief Technology Officer at Trifork NL

About the event

Are you struggling to understand the runtime behavior of your applications? Insight into your applications is important to deal with problems and ideally prevent them before they occur, but also to perform tuning, spot trends and anomalies, and understand how your systems interact with others. Maybe you're having issues with centralized logging, like getting full stack traces logged as single messages, or lacking contextual info for filtering, or need more dynamic logging based on things like centralized configuration. Is it hard to extract aggregated info from logs but you're not sure how metrics could help? Do your on-call engineers suffer from poor alerting, or have problems to correlate all the logging and metrics across your services?

In this talk, Joris will share his experience in adding observability to your Spring-based services by showing best practices and a lot of tips & tricks related to setting up logging, metrics and tracing. You'll see you can derive technical and business-related information from built-in or custom metrics, how to build on top of Sleuth to provide functionality like on-demand per-request debug logging across different services, ways to easily mix per-environment logging configuration with common defaults, and other techniques that have been proved successful in production and that you can start to apply in your own projects right away!


17:00 | Welcome to this GOTO Night with Joris Kuipers
17:05 | Joris Kuipers will present his subject of the day
17:30 | Live Q&A with Joris Kuipers
17:55 | Thank you for joining us for this GOTO Night

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