Comic Agilé - When Agile Meets Reality
Date: November 22, 2022
Time: 4.30pm - 7.00pm
Location: Søren Frichs Vej 39, 8000 Aarhus C
4:30pm - Doors open
5:00pm - Welcome by Systematic, Comic Agilé and GOTO
5:05pm - Comic Agilé - When Agile Meets Reality
6:00pm - Networking over food & drinks
7:00pm - Thank you for today!
In this talk, the creators of Comic Agilé, Luxshan Ratnaravi and Mikkel Noe-Nygaard, will take the audience through a visual and provocative journey of agile anti-patterns and misunderstandings, told through tragicomic strips in a highly entertaining fashion.
The presented content, points and lessons will be relatable to anyone with experience in working agile, as they'll center around topics such as Scrum, Kanban and SAFe - and why implementing these agile approaches fail miserably.
During their 50 minute talk, Luxshan and Mikkel will also emphasize how to avoid the depicted mistakes, so the audience can reflect on their current agile practices and learn how to improve them.
Some of the concrete points that will be covered are:
- How to avoid that the scaled agile transformation drowns developers in a sea of meetings
- How going SAFe should not only help us manage our dependencies, but rather remove them
- How to make our architectures compatible with our agile ways of working and avoid having the Architects sit in their Ivory Tower
- How the Scrum Master can not only help improve our teams, but our whole organization
- How Product Owners can be empowered to actually take their own decisions
- How Product Management can avoid emprisoning their POs
- How the RTE can help break down organizational silos
- How Managers on one hand are expected to be in full control and, at the same time, empower their teams to be self-managing
- And many more relatable points
About the speakers
Luxshan Ratnaravi holds an MSc in Software Engineering and is an Agile Coach with the Danish financial software solutions provider Bankdata. He’s constantly on a mission of improving the status quo from his position between being an agile ideologist and a pragmatic problem-solver.
Mikkel Noe-Nygaard holds an MA in Architecture with a background in sustainable buildings and a speciality in Communications Design, but has always been working with user experience in software. Mikkel designs both hyper-complex cloud-based expert tools and simple mobile applications with the same pride, and always puts the user first in aesthetic, efficient solutions.
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