No-Code Deep Learning with H2O AI Cloud
Date: June 7
Time: 6:00pm - 8.00pm
Location: Trifork Amsterdam - Vlaardingenlaan 15, 1062 HM Amsterdam
Join us for the onsite meetup "No-Code Deep Learning w/ H2O AI Cloud" with Jo-fai Chow. This GOTO Night is focused on some typical Hydrogen Torch use-cases.
6:00pm — Welcome & Food
6:30pm — Short Intro
6:45pm — Talk: No-Code Deep Learning with H2O Hydrogen Torch by Jo-fai Chow
7:40pm — Raffle (GOTO Amsterdam 2022 tickets)
8:00pm — Ending with beers and more food
Deep Learning with H2O Hydrogen Torch
H2O Hydrogen Torch is a new product that enables data scientists and developers to train and deploy state-of-the-art deep learning models without writing a line of code. With H2O Hydrogen Torch, we’re continuing to democratize AI, by democratizing deep learning.
While H2O Hydrogen Torch makes it much easier and faster to build great deep learning models, we didn’t forget about the expert controls for our experienced data scientists. H2O Hydrogen Torch provides insights and full access to parameter tuning, so experts have control to dial in their models.
As the name suggests, H2O Hydrogen Torch, leverages the outstanding engineering of the PyTorch library and builds upon it with pre-built training routines and optimized parameters for common deep learning use cases. H2O.ai’s set of Kaggle Grandmasters, the top data scientists in the world, developed these routines, making it simple to build state-of-the-art models.
In this talk, Jo-fai will walk you through some typical Hydrogen Torch use-cases and demonstrate how to build deep learning models in just a few clicks.
About the speaker
Jo-fai Chow
Jo-fai (or Joe) has multiple roles (data scientist / evangelist / community manager) at H2O.ai. Since joining the company in 2016, Joe has delivered H2O talks/workshops in 40+ cities around the US, Europe, and Asia. Nowadays, he is best known as the H2O #360Selfie guy. He is also the co-organiser of H2O's worldwide meetup groups including London Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning. Jo-fai Chow is easily reachable on Twitter at @matlabulous.
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