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Grateful for 2021, excited for what 2022 will bring

2021 was a packed year for GOTO: we were finally able to meet with some of you in person while continuing to connect with so many of you virtually through conferences, summits, Book Club episodes, Unscripted interviews, a new podcast and more.

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2021 was a packed year for GOTO: we were finally able to meet with some of you in person while continuing to connect with so many of you virtually through conferences, summits, Book Club episodes, Unscripted interviews, a new podcast and more. 

We kicked things off with three back-to-back online conferences: GOTOpia February, GOTOpia Chaos Engineering Day and GOTOpia Chicago. And, as soon as we could, we brought back our beloved in-person conferences in Denmark with GOTO Aarhus, the first after a long break, followed by GOTO Copenhagen a few months later — our first fully livestreamed conference to make sure those who couldn’t yet travel could still be with us.

We also held two exciting inaugural events this autumn: GOTO Book Club Live at our CodeNode venue in London, where we invited best-selling science and maths authors Hannah Fry and Simon Singh, and GOTO AI Summit in Copenhagen, where we invited top machine learning and artificial intelligence speakers.

And, as always, we had plenty of meetups both in person and online, with plenty more prepared for 2022 — keep an eye on upcoming meetups near you.

Your favorite talks on GOTO YouTube

Top 2021 videos:

Book Club highlights

The GOTO Book Club series brings in the experts and authors to interview each other, focusing on newly released and classic dev books. Watch a few highlights of this year’s episodes and authors.

Top 2021 Book Club episodes:

Best of the GOTO podcast

In March we launched the GOTO podcast, which is the audio form of the GOTO Unscripted and Book Club interviews shared with you every Friday. You can find these episodes on most podcast platforms — be sure to subscribe to be notified of new episodes.

Top 2021 podcast episodes:

Tweet highlights

GOTO Amsterdam 2022

Last on the list for 2021 would have been GOTO Amsterdam, but due to new COVID circumstances in The Netherlands, we postponed the conference to June 12-15, 2022

We can’t wait to be back at the beloved Beurs van Berlage for our 10-year anniversary! If you can’t make it to Amsterdam, join us online.

We can’t wait to see you next year for plenty more events — both online and in person — along with brand new YouTube videos, podcast episodes, blog posts and more!