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Intro to Product Thinking: Building Human-Centric Tools
gRPC in .NET: Basics and More
The C4 Model – Misconceptions, Misuses & Mistakes
Lessons From The Pit Lane
Developing Highly Scalable Image Storage Solution with AWS Serverless at ip.labs
Is It Time To Version Observability? (Signs Point To Yes)
The Ultimate Cloud Platform Team Topology
Serverless Development on AWS
Optimizing Organizational Flow with Wardley Mapping & DDD
How Flow Works
Have you ever thought about why what we see as the sensible defaults for software engineering in 2023 work? We adopt the key metrics from Accelerate, team structures from Team Topologies and Microservices in an effort to improve the flow of value to our users (or to a customer saying Thank You, paraphrasing Daniel Terhorst-North). But what is Value? What is Flow? James will use ideas from Information Theory and Complexity Science to peek into the domain model of our everyday experiences turning ideas into running software. Come along and explore the weird world of how work works. Warning, may cause you to reduce batch sizes, because maths.