Scriptless GUI Test Automation at ING: Our Journey with Lessons Learned
Date: March 31
Time: 4:00pm - 5.00pm
Location: Zoom
Join us for the online meetup "Scriptless GUI Test Automation at ING: Our Journey with Lessons Learned" with Yaping (Luna) Luo and Robbert van Dalen. This GOTO Night is focused on scriptless GUI test automation at ING.
4:00pm - Welcome to this GOTO Night with Yaping (Luna) Luo & Robbert van Dalen
4:05pm - Yaping (Luna) Luo & Robbert van Dalen will present their subject of the day
4:30pm - Live Q&A with Yaping (Luna) Luo & Robbert van Dalen
4:55pm - Thank you for joining this GOTO Night
Traditionally, graphical user interface (GUI) test automation is implemented with test scripts, either recorded with capture and replay tools, or written with scripting tools. This requires domain knowledge, and results in high maintenance cost.
For some years now, a scriptless testing approach has been emerging. The idea is not to (entirely) replace scripted testing, but to complement it. It does so by reducing the effort to create test scripts and covering paths outside the happy user scenarios, concentrating on robustness testing instead of functional testing. So far, the approach has been applied successfully in various industry domains. In this presentation, we will present our current journey on applying scriptless GUI test automation at ING with lessons learned.
About the speakers
Yaping (Luna) Luo
Yaping (Luna) Luo obtained her PhD degree in software engineering at TU/e in 2016 (since then she also held an assistant professor position at TU/e).
In 2018, she joined ING as product owner/research lead in ING Tech R&D. Currently she is the chapter lead of IT Innovation, ING/OmniChannel.
She initiated and led different innovation projects to help other squads to improve software engineering process and make it reliable, faster, and compliant.
Robbert van Dalen
Robbert van Dalen is currently the product owner in the IT Innovation chapter/Software Engineering and Automation team in OmniChannel.
He has been at ING for 20 years, leading and supervising small but highly effective engineering teams with a focus on innovative software tools. Robbert has an MSc in software engineering.
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