James Ward

James Ward is a nerd and software developer who shares what he learns with others though presentations, blogs, demos and code. After over two decades of professional programming, he is now a self-proclaimed typed pure functional programming zealot but often compromises on his ideals to just get stuff done. After spending too many sleepless nights in data centers repairing RAID arrays, he now prefers higher-level cloud abstractions with appropriate escape hatches. James is a huge open source proponent, hoping to never get burned by lock-in again.

Topic focus: Functional programming

Check out some of James’ past talks:

A few of James’ achievements:

Content featuring James Ward

A Tour of the Modern Java Platform
A Tour of the Modern Java Platform
GOTO Amsterdam 2022
Spring Boot practices on Kubernetes, and Google Cloud Platform
Spring Boot practices on Kubernetes, and Google Cloud Platform
Building and Deploying Cloud Native Applications with gRPC Kotlin & Kubernetes
Building and Deploying Cloud Native Applications with gRPC Kotlin & Kubernetes
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